Friday, July 01, 2011


In contrast with Pre-Calc's level of difficulty, the paper was extremely easy....

It's Basic Computing Skills! You can't blame me for excelling in something that I'm born to champ in, right? But, if you're saying the course was real drag, indeed.

The paper was 2 hours but I'm done in less in an hour... There were single choices questions and 'True or False' and the famous essay questions with sub-questions tagged along with it...

Overall marks are 75 and let's hope for the best (and the lecturer's mercy) so all of us can score this subject... (and balance my final CGPA)....

Anyway, after the examinations, I went to the Heritage Studies' Annual Exhibition at my faculty's main gallery.

Basically, Heritage Studies is a subject for 3rd year Architecture students...

Therefore, it's like an expose to what I'm gonna do in near future...

whatever. whatever.

I took some (fine, a LOT) of pictures and will post it on IvoryandBrown ....

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